Upcoming Filing Deadlines

The federal filing deadline in Illinois, which has the earliest congressional primary in the nation, has already passed. The second-earliest primary is in Maryland, and their deadline is coming up in just a week. Here’s a look at the deadlines looming over the next couple months:

State Deadline
Maryland 12/03/07
Texas 01/02/08
Ohio 01/04/08
Mississippi 01/11/08
West Virginia 01/26/08
Kentucky 01/29/08

You can find SSP’s complete, sortable calendar of all filing deadlines and primary dates at this link.

16 thoughts on “Upcoming Filing Deadlines”

  1. I know we’ll have a full slate in Maryland — both Republican seats have Democratic opponents who have filed. There are no Republicans who have filed so far in the 2nd or 3rd districts.

  2. 1st – Illinois – full slate (that’s what, 18/18?)

    2nd – Maryland – ???


    Just like, the top five to occur so people know what they’re looking at.  

  3. Four great challengers:

    OH-01 Steve Driehaus

    OH-14 Judge Bill O’Neill

    OH-15 Franklin County Commissioner Mary Jo Kilroy

    OH-16 State Senator (and US Air Force Reserve Major) John Boccieri

    Each has been building their campaign operations and have been able to build serious war chests (raising more than $100,000 each in recent quarters.)

    OH-05 has a special election December 11 where Robin Weirauch is seeking the seat vacated by the death of Paul Gillmor.

    OH-02 and OH-10 will have contested primaries, under sort of unusual circumstances. OH-02 should be solid GOP but is currently held by the infamous “Mean Jean” Schmidt. In OH-10 Dennis Kucinich faces two (three?) intra-party challengers.

    We have some seats (OH-03,OH-04,OH-08)without even a “name on the ballot.”

  4. What districts are left needing candidates there?

    I’m most worried about Texas. If we can get a full slate in Texas, I think it would be a huge success. There’s no Texan on the ticket next year…at least not on top.

    I assume Ohio and Kentucky will have full slates.  

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